Tag Archives: Obama

My Problem with The Tea Party

First of all, I haven’t written forever.  It isn’t that I don’t WANT to write, it’s just I’m being pulled in fifty different directions.  Sadly (for me), I have 12 unfinished articles that I’ve started since my last brilliantly written article, which will never see the light of day.  This one was the closest I had to being finished.  I wanted to post something.  So here goes.

For fun I’m going to include three misnomers: 1- “Affordable Care Act”…It isn’t. 2- “Obamacare”…He doesn’t.  And 3- “My Problem with The Tea Party”…I don’t.

“But Danny,” you whine “why the title?”  Apparently I have some ‘splainin to do. The state in which I reside has a dominate religion.  IT DRIVES ME CRAZY, absolutely bat nuts, when I hear someone complain about “the church” when in reality they are complaining about an individual/individuals within the church.  To me it is just fundamentally wrong to lump a whole group of people into a category that should be reserved for a few.  Does that make sense?  So, with our mutual understanding and 100% realization of my rank hypocrisy, I’ll plow forward.

Don't Look Back

As you may or may not be aware there is a midterm election coming up in about 8 weeks.  There is a lot up for grabs this election.  Congress’ approval is at an all time low, but shockingly, incumbents traditionally win.  We “The People” hate the group, but like the individuals within the group.

Currently, Mitch McConnell is fighting to keep his seat as a Republican Senator for Kentucky.  Now, I’m not advocating for or against him.  I just know many Tea Party-esque people have accused him of being a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only.)  Again, I don’t follow his voting record that closely.  I know he isn’t a screaming liberal but apparently he isn’t a staunch conservative either.  What I do know about McConnell is that as the Senate Minority Leader, under what had to be intense political pressure, he was able to keep his party in line and not have one affirmative vote from the Republican Party for Obamacare.  Under his leadership the Democratic Party owns the Affordable Care Act – again, it isn’t “Affordable,” it isn’t “Care,” it’s just an act.

If the voters in Kentucky, decide it is time for McConnell to retire, I don’t have a problem with that.  My problem is with the “I would rather stay home and let the democrats win than vote for someone who only agrees with me 80% of the time” people.  Those people kill me, and are idiots.

Even I, your humble narrator, have been accused of not being a “true conservative” because I failed the litmus test of not seeing the wisdom in the legalization of marijuana (spoiler alert: there is no wisdom in the legalization of drugs).

Demonizing your ideological opponents is a lot of fun, if you’re brave enough to do it, and has been the modus operandi since the beginning of time.  Pointing out the dumbassery of the Democratic Party is something I’ve been accused of doing (I’m talking about the Party here – not individuals – so my “butt hurt” liberal friends, please take it down an octave.)   Every Presidential election the Democrats start with around 246 out of the 270 electoral votes needed to win.  The Democrats barely have to show up and BOOM 246 electoral votes.  The Republicans have to work for everything else. To me it is almost funny the Democrats demonize Republicans at all.  I understand why they do…but still.  The sad truth is that the Republican Party needs new members, it needs converts.  The Democratic Party doesn’t.


That’s why when, a month or so ago, Sarah Palin, whom I normally kinda dig, was banging the “Impeachment drum” I rolled my eyes.  America is NEVER going to impeach Obama.  Yes, he is grossly incompetent, arguably the Worst President EVER.   That isn’t an impeachable offense.  He may be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.   Even if, America still isn’t going to do it.  All banging that drum, or drums like it, does is give Democrats ammunition to fire toward the Low Information/Yahoo News reading voters.

I think the sainted Ronald Regan nailed it when, in March of 1975, he said:

“A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers…

“I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, “We must broaden the base of our party” – when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.

“Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?

“Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.

“Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government’s coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.

“It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view.”

The problem is the Republicans don’t have the balls to do it. Well…that’s not entirely fair.  They talk about limited central government, but they lack either the confidence or the ability to explain its benefits.  They have bought into the Democrats’ core, condescending belief, that the world is just too darn complicated for you and me, the ordinary folks, to make our way through without bureaucratic instruction and hand holding.


Because the concepts and benefits of a limited government don’t fit on a bumper sticker we are left with a system that is going to implode.  It’s not a question of “if,” it will implode, it’s a question of “when.”  Everyone with half a brain stem knows it.  But still, Republicans are too scared, or maybe too content, to advocate the dramatic change that could save us.  Instead we are too busy cannibalizing ourselves.  I’m not advocating the status quo.  I want change.  I think we, as a party, should have a robust debate, but then the primaries are over, be involved.  VOTE.  Even if you have to plug your nose to do it.   Then we need to hold our elected leaders feet to the fire to ensure they do the right thing.

“Divide and conquer” maybe an effective strategy in war, but doesn’t work in a representative democracy.


LIFEZILLA: It’s the website our forefathers would have subscribed too.  That is if our foremothers would have let them.


Big Gov


No Strategy Yet

Obama – Worst President EVER

I really like having a website.  It is a lot of fun.  I especially like watching it grow.  On “the back side” I can see how many people have read an article and often where the lead came from.  Every time I get a new subscriber I take a slow sip of my cocoa, tent my fingers together and whisper “excellent.”

I love the comment sections.  In the (almost) two years Lifezilla has been in existence I have allowed commenters to comment.  “Commenters gotta comment, haters gotta hate, murders gotta murd” – I always say.  I have to approve a persons first comment, after that I have it set up to approve automatically.  I have a rule that I don’t reply to comments.  Well…it’s really more of a guideline than a rule; I have replied a couple of times.  I figure I said my peace in the article and if I have more to say I’ll write a new one.

Yesterday I received a comment that suggested any opposition to Obama could only be explained by “deep-seated racism.”

It was all I could do to not spew my cookies.  I didn’t approve the comment.

The fact that Obama’s presidency isn’t only a failure but a colossal failure isn’t even really in dispute anymore. But, as a country we looked at his first term with record unemployment, no economic growth,  metastasizing government, and of course, exploding debt and said, “Oh yeah!  Sign me up for more of that.”

Now granted, the economy was in the crapper when Obama became President. Wouldn’t it be so funny if some people blamed George W. Bush for the recent government shut down?

Oh wait.  They do!!!!

The saddest thing about that video is that their vote counts the same as mine.

Now because I have liberal friends who get all butt-hurt if I generalize anything, I’m going to concede that sooooomewhere in the 300 million plus people in America there is proooooobably one person or two who miiiiiight believe Obama sucks as a president because of the color of his skin.

The saddest thing about that is their vote counts the same as mine.

No.  He is a failure as a president for real reasons (normally I would have links to all the following stories, but I’m too lazy today.  You can Google them if you’re interested):

1- Obama is on pace to double the Federal debt in the 8 years of his presidency.

2- The U.S. has fallen in global competitiveness rankings every year.

3- Food stamp recipients up 50%.

4- A record number of Americans on disability (up 20%).

5- Median household income has gone down every year.

6- A record poverty rate of 16.1%

7- Gas prices have doubled.

8- Labor participation rate is at a 35-year low.

9- 7/8 of all “New jobs” are part-time (thanks Obamacare).

10- In 2009 the average duration of people collecting unemployment was 19.8 weeks, today it is 36.6 weeks.

11- Health insurance premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing.

12- In 2008 the Federal Reserve held $476 billion in U.S. bonds, today it holds more than $2 trillion.

13- 76% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck.

14- Student loan debt has more than doubled, now it is over $1 trillion.

15- In 2009 the U.S. debt to GDP ratio was under 70%, now it is over a 100%.

16- Not completely finished destroying the U.S. economy, President Obama announced the other day, October 16th, his plans to quickly move on to amnesty.

17- I could go on, but I’m getting bored.

“But Danny,” you whine, “you can’t blame all that on one man!!”  Umm…Ya I can.  It’s called LEADERSHIP, something that has been missing in Washington for five years.  If the last white president, George W. Bush had a track record like that on even one of these things – not to mention the IRS targeting of the president’s enemies, or the disgrace of Benghazi, or the massive expansion of government spying – he would be metaphorically eviscerated by the people now defending Obama (for my butt-hurt liberal friends, the word “metaphorically” is a fancy way of saying they wouldn’t literally disembowel the former president.)  No.  All these things are just symptoms of Republicans who “want to impeach Obama for the crime of being president while black.”


Speaking of stupid.  How about that debt ceiling debate, huh?  The Democrats are calling it a major victory.  It’s a pyrrhic victory at best (for my butt-hurt liberal friends “pyrrhic” is a fancy word for a victory at a huge cost.)  What it really cost the American people is a precedent that the executive branch can amend law without Congressional approval.  What could possibly go wrong with that?!?!?!?!?


This quote is a little bit out of context, but just a little bit.  It’s about the 2nd amendment, but the spirit is on topic.

“When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is take away the people’s weapons…I do not believe that [our nation’s leaders] have any desire to impose a dictatorship upon us.  But this does not mean that such will always be the case.  A nation rent internally, as ours has been in recent years, is always ripe for a ‘man on a white horse.’  A deterrent to that man, or to any man seeking unlawful power, is the knowledge that those who oppose him are not helpless.”                    –    Ronald Reagan

That’s what drives me crazy about the left.  To them history starts the moment they wake up. They don’t have the memory past yesterday or the foresight past tomorrow.  Just because today’s leaders may not be tyrants doesn’t mean tomorrows won’t be (for my butt-hurt liberal friends – that was a generalization.  I may not be talking about you.)


LIFEZILLA:  Be careful what you bitch for



Bush's Fault



Banana Republic

If you know me personally this may come as a shock to you.  When I was in high school I was involved in Drama.  I know,  I know.  Shocking.  I, the introvert, the chronically shy person you know, was once somewhat of an extrovert.  I had zero acting ability, but I loved hanging out with people who did.

In high school I was involved with a group the school district put together.  It was called PRIDE.  Pride stood for “Peers Responsible In Drug Education.”  It was a lot of fun.  We would drive around to other schools, mainly elementary or middle schools, and we would sing, dance and teach workshops on how to “say no” to drugs, have self-esteem, stuff like that.  I got to meet and work with kids from other high schools.  I made lifetime friends.

One time we were invited to Washington, D.C. to perform in front of the Presidential council.  It was REALLY cool.

We had a really full schedule, and one day to sight-see.  LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Washington, D.C.

On the sightseeing day a group of friends and I walked into “The Banana Republic.”  It was maybe the second time in my life I bought myself clothes.  The girl who helped me pick out the clothes made me feel smokin’ hot when I was wearing them.

On September 20, this year, at a Ford Stamping plant our “campaigner-n-chief” said “We’re not some banana republic.”  Upon hearing these words I found myself in an odd position.  I completely agreed with the President.  America is definitely NOT a Banana Republic.  Have you ever been to the DMV?  Most of America dresses like they belong in a leper colony.  Definitely not a high fashion retail store.

And then I thought, “Maybe there is something I don’t understand,” so I went to the source of all knowledge: “Wikipedia.”  According to Wikipedia a “Banana Republic” is apparently a political term used to describe a country where the political leaders are in cahoots with corporations, where government employees exploit there posts for personal gain or favors, and where the Press is either corrupt or state ran.


In just the last few weeks:

We have World War II vets being turned away from a memorial built in their honor, but a Pro-Amnesty group was still allowed to use the National Mall for a reform rally.

Enemy of the State

We have a busload of elderly tourist ordered back on the bus at Yellowstone National Park, and then detained at their hotel by armed park rangers.  The park rangers were ARMED.  (Quick side note: have you ever wondered where park rangers go on vacation to “Get away from it all”?)

We recently had a report of emails from 2012 where the IRS shared confidential taxpayer information with the White House.

On October 8th the President had a press conference.  Just days after the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare, any guesses how many questions the press asked the President regarding it?  Anyone?  Anyone?  If you guessed zero you would be right.  ZERO questions were asked about the nightmarish start of the biggest social policy program in history.  Zero.

sinking ship

Normally, within 36 hours, families of fallen U.S. service members receive a death benefit of $100,000.  The night before the shut down a bill was passed to include funding for the military. Five families of loved ones recently killed in Afghanistan were forced to wait for the death benefit because the Pentagon insisted the funding for the military didn’t include death benefits.

So, to recap, we have certain groups allowed to use the National Mall, we have park rangers acting like thugs, the White House and the IRS playing footsies with each other, we have the press in bed with the government, and Washington bureaucrats playing games by delaying benefits.

I’m admittedly not the brightest penny in the pond, but that kinda sounds like a banana republic.  At a minimum it appears we are on the road.  Or is it just me?

“But Danny,” you whine, “it’s the Republican’s fault for shutting down the government.”  Yeah…not so much.  Granted, it is being reported that way.  And if you listen to the Democrats it’s even worse.  Nancy Pelosi said the Republicans are “legislative arsonists”; White House press secretary Jay Carney said the Republicans are engaging in “blatant extortion”, and my personal favorite, senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the Republicans are trying to negotiate “with a bomb strapped to their chest.”  It seems like every time I turn on the TV every Democrat says the same thing, “We refuse to negotiate with a gun being held to our head.”

Gun?  What gun?

on and off

First, the House Republicans voted to fund all of government, except Obamacare,  Obama gasped in horror and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.  That started the government shut down.

Then the Republicans said “okay,” voted to fully fund the government, but wanted to delay the implementation of Obamacare for one year. Obama gasped in horror again and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.

Finally, the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but added a requirement that there be no special waivers for big business, no special waivers for members of Congress and their staff.  That everyone live under Obamacare. If anyone gets a waiver then everyone, every individual is eligible to the same waiver.  Obama and the Senate Democrats fainted like Victorian virgins, then refused to pass it.

Clearly it’s the Republicans that are effing everything up.

If the Republicans had a brain in their collective head they would say the same thing every time a microphone was in front of their face.  “How can Obamacare be the ‘Law of the land’ if certain, hand-picked, privileged groups and individuals, and their families, are exempted?  Not murdering is the law of the land, there are no waivers for that.  Not stealing is the law of the land, there are no waivers for that.  If Obamacare is the law of the land, there should be no waivers.”

Even a “Dancing with the Stars” watching, low information voter will understand that.

(The wife and I love “Dancing with the Stars.”)


LIFEZILLA:  Let’s face it.  Without ME the internet would just be AWESO

Shut down




Obama voters

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Something Wicked This Way Comes

You would think I would be over it now, but I’m still a little bitter about it.  I just still can’t believe how stupid the American Electorate is.  Now everyone is screaming about how the Republicans need to ‘reach out’ to this group or that group.  They need to ‘evolve.”  And you know what?  That may be true.  In fact, let’s say (for sake of argument) it’s 100% true.  Still.  We had one chance to steer the country away from a fiscal Greece-style cliff and what did we do?  We hit the gas.

Why?  Because of “birth control, binders and Big Bird,” oh my!!!

 As you can imagine, many of my more liberal friends have been teasing me this last week.  I can take it, bring it on.  What is…well…I don’t want to say its “sad,” because it is just part of the gig.  What’s “kind of sad” is that an uninformed vote means just as much as an informed one.  Don’t get me wrong; I get that people have different points of view. If President Obama is your guy and you can list off the reasons why, I have nothing but respect for that.  But, if your only two reasons are (and I honestly heard these) “He is just trying so hard, I just feel we need to give him a second chance,” or “Bush was just so bad,” you should just go back to watching “Dancing with the Stars” and let the grown-ups talk. (FYI, I really enjoy watching DWTS.)

As I look back at it, what REALLY gets me is things like this:

This is honestly one of Obama’s super-charming campaign slogans that (apparently) many single women took to heart.  But let me let you in on a little secret: nothing about this election had anything to do with your “lady parts”.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a HUGE fan of “lady parts.”  HUGE FAN.  I’m a huge fan of women.  I look at my wife (who, four kids and twenty-one years later, is still SMOKIN’ HOT) and all she does: cleans, cooks, full time job, volunteer work, she works with the Young Women at our church–she amazes me.  I firmly believe all women should be put on a pedestal, I really do, for all those reasons.  Plus, when you put a woman up on a pedestal, it is easier to look up her skirt (wicked grin).

To me it is ironic that women, who supposedly are strong, voted to be taken care of by government.

“But Danny,” you whine, “what about contraception?”  Either way the election went, nothing would have changed in the realm of contraception.  Nothing, zero, zip, noda, regardless of who won.

“But Danny,” you continue to whine, “what about abortion?”  It amazes me that abortion rears its ugly head every election.  It is one of those divisive issues that doesn’t mean a thing.  Regardless of your personal thoughts on abortion, for it or against it, the fact Roe v. Wade was brought about judiciously, took that debate entirely out of the legislative arena. In other words, you cute little bugger you, no president or Congress could pass any laws to undermine it as long as that precedent stands.

Yes, it’s true: Romney could have appointed Supreme Court justices that might overturn that precedent (though I doubt it).  But even if he did, NOTHING would have changed. Congress has codified the principles of Roe v. Wade into federal law, so the only way to completely overturn it would be, the Republicans would have to control the White House, Congress, and 60 votes in the Senate (something that has never happened in the history of the republic), and that is assuming all Republicans are pro-life.

Now I’m well aware that I’m being completely hypocritical with this next statement.  I get it.  I just can’t believe anyone would base their vote on ONE issue.

The biggest threat to anyone’s “lady parts” is the fiscal solvency of your nation.  That threat is actually real.  The made-up bull crap about abortion and contraception is just that: Crap.  How could anyone vote for anything based on phantom stories when we have a very real and compelling prospect of an irrecoverable economic disaster?  Un-be-freaking-lievable.

In case you can’t tell, I’m still amazed, and a little peeved at the election results.


LIFEZILLA:  I don’t know about you, but I could really go for a punch in your face right now.





I was in Las Vegas last week for a trade show.  It was a big week, politically, and I have soooooo much I wanna write about.

On Saturday the 3rd, I saw President Obama tell a group of followers, after they booed at Mitt Romney’s name, “Don’t boo.  Vote! Vote! Voting’s the best revenge!”

Revenge?  Really?  Is that what the Presidency of the United States is all about?  Revenge?

The Mitt Romney campaign countered pretty quickly with this ad:

I’m a Romney fan.  I think he is the most uniquely qualified man for turning the economy around and leading this country than any one else.  But I’m not a robot.  I’ll watch him closely, and if I disagree with him I’ll say it.  I believe many Obama supporters are mindless robots.  Obama could set an orphan on fire and he would be praised for “heating the homeless.”

When I first heard Obama’s revenge quote I rolled my eyes and gave him a pass.  It was one, off the cuff, comment.  No big deal.  UNTIL, I heard this quote from Valerie Jarrett:

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”

You got that?  Seriously, go read it again.  If you don’t know, Valerie Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Obama, and has been referred to as “Obama’s Brain.”  It sounds as if they are planning on carpet bombing the United States of America for the next four years if they win.  Revenge?  It sounds more like a Tyrant and a Dictator.  Is that really what we want from the leader of a free Republic?

Last night I was watching the President on Fox news.  I paused my TV and took this picture.

See the guy with the upside down sign?  Forward?  More like Barackwards!


We changed our clocks Sunday, I’m hoping we change our President this Tuesday.


LIFEZILLA:  HEY!!!  Help spread the word about Lifezilla.  Unless you think that word is “incompetent.”  Then I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut.

You Would Think I Would Get Sick of Being Right ALL the Time

You Would Think I Would Get Sick of Being Right ALL the Time

You would thing I would get sick of being right all the time…but I don’t.  I really don’t.  What made me say this was this article. The title “Obama sees executive pay rules as next financial reform” about made my head explode.  At first I thought, the only compensation the government should be setting is government workers.  What business is it of the government to dictate to private industry what should be the job of the board of directors, and stock holders?  And then, in my little right leaning brain, I got thinking about “the rich need to pay their fair share,” and “the rich need to pay a little bit more.”  Now, for the record, I’m not rich.  Once I thought I had $707 in my bank account.  It turned out I was holding the statement upside down and it really was saying LOL.  It’s sad really.  I just want you to know I’m not defending the rich because I am one.

I was remembering back when Romney released his recent tax records, how everyone was FREAKING out that he “only paid14% in taxes.”  I’ll explain it, even though I’m an idiot.

For easy math, let’s say I make a $100,000, and (again for easy math) let’s say I pay half of that in taxes.  I have $50,000 to do with what I want.  Let say after I pay for the house, food, cars, savings, and such I have $10,000 left.  I choose to invest that $10,000 in stocks.  Now, anyone will tell you investing money is a gamble.  I could make the wrong choice and lose it all.  So the government, knowing that investing money is important to the economy and growth, and knowing that the money I’m investing has already been taxed at 50% (easy math) made it so any money I get back from my investments would be taxed at 14%.  So if I earn $1000.00 dollars from my $10,000 dollar investment, I pay $140.00 on that grand.  Really, there is nothing ‘unfair’ about that.

According to Reuters (which is apparently a News organization) Obama paid 20.5% taxes in 2011.  GASP!!!!!  He paid more than Romney!!!  WHY, WHY, WHY?  IT’S SO UNFAIR!!!

Oh, but wait

Mitt Romney’s 2011 Taxes:

Adjusted Gross Income: $13,696,951
Charitable Giving:          $  2,250,772
Total Federal Taxes:       $  1,935,708 (That’s Million with an M)

Let’s compare this to the average American who pays taxes:

Average Income:                  $45.000
Average Taxes Paid:            $5,060
Average Charitable Giving: $900

Average Percent Paid to federal taxes: 11%
Average percent of charitable donations: 2%

Romney’s income is roughly 304 times that of an average American.  Oh yeah, he is doing pretty well.  He is taxed 382 times what the average American pays in taxes.

Percentages are fun, but it is the dollars behind the percentages that matter.

Just for fun, look at this:

The federal government spends about $112,500 a SECOND.


If the federal government taxed every penny Romney made it would cover about 2.03 minutes of one day, in one year.

The truth of the matter, is that there are not enough people in this country who make enough money to cover these costs. NO MATTER WHAT THE RATE IS!!!!

The question we should be debating isn’t, “How much can we tax a millionaire?”  Instead, we should be asking, how we can create MORE Millionaires.

That and cut the spending.


LIFEZILLA:  I decided I no longer need the approval of others.  What do you guys think?

Obama Wins !! (?)

Obama Wins !!  (?)

Well, according to a CBS News affiliate in Arizona.

For 17 seconds, during an episode of “The People’s Court” CBS ran a lower third graphic that showed Obama won the November 6 election with 99% of the precincts reporting.  The “nationwide results” showed President Obama winning the election with 43 percent of the vote, to Romney’s 40 percent -– or 40,237,966 votes to 38,116,216.

Well, isn’t that just really cute?

OH WAIT!!!  I didn’t mention that this was on Friday October 19.  Two weeks before the election.  I know.  It is unbe-FREAKING-lievable.

I’m not suggesting they screwed up and ran the “results” too soon. But I think it is a little troubling that someone invested the time to key in the data for the graphic to appear on the screen in the first place.

Don’t believe me, watch it here.

Can you imagine the uproar if the graphic had appeared showing Romney won on Fox News?


LIFEZILLA: “I feel like [I’m] an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea.”


LET IT GO!!!!!!



I don’t really want to stop the discussion from my previous article.  But I wanted to get this one in before the Vice Presidential debate tonight.

Once again the far-right leaning (eye roll) Jon Stewart attacks the Obama campaign.  He slams their “Big Bird” strategy in what he calls “DEMOCALYPSE 2012”


The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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“The Obama campaign hits Romney with a sassy counter punch for his Big Bird debate comments…the next day.”



LIFEZILLA:  Fighting the good fight against the pain and agony of stupid Presidential campaign strategies.



Here, Let Me Give You a “Big Bird”

Here, Let Me Give You a “Big Bird”

 Two things.  First, a few weeks ago my beloved told me that I can sometimes sound “mean” in my articles.  In retrospect that might be true. I feel like this 90% of the time I write:

So I can see how it would come across that way.

Number two.  I had a friend write me and say that I come across “narcissistic” in my writing.  Pfffffff…Narcisa-What!?  I have two things to say to that: One,  I don’t have a narcissistic bone in my smokin’ hot body; and two, even if I were, do you know what is awesome about being a narcissist?  Me.

So…on to today’s article.

At the risk of repeating myself, I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers to fully express how I feel about this.  It is maddening to me.

It seemed like it was just a few minutes after Mitt Romney got finished handing the President his…butt the other night at the first Presidential debate, that I received this picture in an email:

I chuckled.  It’s funny. The fact that the Obama campaign has turned this into the focal point of this election is NOT.  Honestly.  It is now in the realm of the ridiculous.

For those of you that may have missed it, Mitt Romney pointed out the government shouldn’t be borrowing from China to pay for things such as public broadcasting.  He even said he liked Big Bird.  And who couldn’t?  I love Big Bird.  I watched Sesame Street growing up.  (I’m still kinda angry no one told me how to get to Sesame Street.  Stupid song).  But here is a little secret.


On CNN last Thursday (October 4th), Sesame Workshop Executive Vice President Sherri Westin said it was “misleading” to say that ending public funding for Sesame Street would hurt the program.  She said, “Quite frankly, you can debate whether or not there should be funding for public broadcasting. But when they always try to tout out Big Bird, and they say we’re going to kill Big Bird—that is actually misleading, because Sesame Street will be here…Big Bird lives on.”

And it’s true.  In 2010 Sesame Workshop former CEO Gary Knell received $988,456 in total compensation.  That’s almost a million bucks.  I don’t berate him a penny of it.  I wouldn’t care if he made $10 million.  I just don’t think the program needs a dime of the tax payer’s money.

Sesame Workshop’s 2011 financial statement showed the program made $46.9 million in licensing from June 2010-June 2011, and made $41.9 million in distribution fees and royalties.  Overall, Sesame Workshop showed more than $136 million in total operating revenues. At the end of June 2011, its net assets totaled $227 million.   Financial reports from 2003 – 2006, show ‘Sesame Street’ made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales.  From 2008 – 2011 they made $244.4 million in licensing alone.  In other words, they aren’t hurting.

So why is it the Obama Campaign released this commercial even though Sesame Street has asked it to be taken down?

I’ll tell you why.  No, I think the President’s own words will be more effective.  He said, “If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things.”

It looks like the President is following his own advice.  I guess if I didn’t have an idea on how to fix the economy, energy, Libya, out of control gas prices, or unemployment, I would be focusing on a big yellow talking bird as well.

According to Forbes we, the tax payers, spend $300 million on public broadcasting, which in the grand scheme of things is not a lot.  A fifty cent coupon in the grand scheme of my household budget isn’t a lot either.  But if I use a hundred of them, it’s fifty bucks.

Put a fork in it.  This bird is done.


LIFEZILLA:  Proudly read in many FINE, FINE establishments…and where you are.




It Failed Because it was PASSED

It Failed Because it was PASSED

 The President and his minions have been running around blaming Republicans for everything.  This isn’t shocking; both sides do it.  The Democrats have essentially been saying, “Republicans and Democrats weren’t unified. We couldn’t get together. He didn’t get to finish all the things he wanted to do, etc, etc, bluh, Bluh, BLUH.” On September 14, 2012, future Vice President Paul Ryan was speaking at the “Values Voter Summit” in Washington and, I feel, he nailed it with the following line:

RYAN:  It is true that President Obama, he had a lot of problems not of his own making.  But he also came in with one-party rule and the chance to do everything of his own choosing.  The Obama economic agenda failed not because it was stopped, but because it was passed.

AUDIENCE: (applause and cheers)

RYAN: That’s a key distinction.

(I didn’t take the time to figure out how to shorten the clip, and just show the part I wanted, so here is a link to the entire speech.)



“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA,” my liberal friends scream, “look what Obama inherited.”

Well, look what Mitt Romney will inherit.


Seriously, look at those numbers.  Ask yourself: Are you really better off than you were four years ago?

Giving credit where credit is due, Obama isn’t all bad.  I think trying the soft hand approach when it comes to the Islamic countries, after Bush and Cheney, was the right thing to do.  At first.  It obviously didn’t work, yet he continues the policies.  I like the fact that the President is killing terrorists like it is his job.  I REALLY like the fact that he is using drones to do it.  Kudos to the President.  But at the number one issue–the economy–he is HORRIBLE.  Again, look at the numbers.

Do you wanna know the main difference between Clinton and Obama, from my little brain? During the first two years of the Clinton administration, he pushed a hard leftist social agenda.  It was rejected by the American people in the 1994 midterm elections when the Republicans took over the house for the first time in 40 years.  Almost the exact same thing happened with Obama.  What did Clinton do?  He worked with Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  He went from a hard left President to a moderate.  Together they reached agreements on welfare reform, a capital gains tax cut, and a budget deal that led to four straight balanced budgets.  Under Obama’s leadership (or lack thereof) the senate hasn’t HAD a budget for almost four years!!

Obama ran as being a unifier. He has been a divider.  He is an ideologue; it is his way or the highway.  Come November, let’s send him packing.

It’s time for someone else to take the wheel.

“If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

–         President Barack Obama, February 2, 2009


LIFEZILLA: Seriously, I make crippling depression look good…